Tag: python
For The Love of Eve!
Roughly two months ago, I rekindled my love for Eve. It had been the most exciting thing when I started to play in 2005. I renewed my membership and kept playing when I moved to Toronto in 2008 from Istanbul. After another 3 […]
Pythonicus Finitum
Posts in this seriesPythonicusPythonicus AddendumPythonicus FinitumWe are in the last part of three part “Pythonicus” series. In this section, we are going to see how I used Neo4j, a graph database, to plot different categories and the databases that belong to each […]
Pythonicus Addendum
Posts in this seriesPythonicusPythonicus AddendumPythonicus FinitumIn my previous Pythonicus article I briefly talked about my need to parse a list of NoSQL Databases at http://nosql-database.org. My solution back then was as it was presented in that article, using regular expressions to find child and […]
Posts in this seriesPythonicusPythonicus AddendumPythonicus FinitumI started to learn Python in May. I finished two introductory courses about it on Coursera. Then, after a summer full of indecisiveness and frustration about where I want to take my skills to, I came to […]